Metaverse: Big Tech's Weapon of Mass Distraction
(Chakis Thuranikorn | Dreamstime)
By Larry Bell
Friday, 15 April 2022 09:32 AM
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Technologies of all kinds are tools that can be put to good or bad uses, and it’s fundamental to our creative human nature, both for better and worse, that there is no way to keep ever more impactful innovations from “progressing.”
No examples of such transformative advancements are more evident than benefits and pitfalls afforded by spectacularly rapid artificial intelligence-driven information and social media technologies.
In addition to opening unlimited opportunities for learning, communication, and yes, entertainment, these services also deliver some very real dangers.
Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are already weaponized by armies of social statisticians and researchers who constantly work to figure out new ways to addict us to their preferred messaging and behaviors.
Our greatest future societal responsibility is to ensure that an entire generation of young people is not made intellectually shallow ethically dysfunctional through such programming addiction.
Tragically, this is already occurring.
"We’re clearly in the very early stages but we need to start talking about these problems now before we go down a route we can’t reverse away from. It’s crucial for the future.” All that policing should begin by example — starting right now with some discipline of our own.
In short, let’s all strive to get a real life apart from the internet.