Biden's Polling Reaches Basement Levels on Most Crucial Issue
By Nick Arama | Dec 12, 2021 8:00 PM ET
“It’s the economy, stupid.” That’s a basic statement of fact that politicians ignore at their peril.
But the American people are not liking what they are seeing of the economy right now. That’s not looking good for Joe Biden and the Democrats, especially with a new ABC/Ipsos poll that was taken over the past two days.
More than two in three — 69 percent of Americans — disapprove of Joe Biden’s handling of inflation, while 57 percent disapprove of his handling of the economic recovery, according to the poll. Sixty-nine percent is a huge number when it comes to polling. Americans are being hit hard in the pocketbook, they’re not liking it, and they’re rightly blaming Biden.
Almost as important as the economy is crime and whether Americans feel safe in their own communities. That security has been taking a battering, especially in liberal cities. It’s likely resulted in the red-pilling of some liberals when they see how badly Democratic policies on crime and bail have been playing out, and they have to live under that regime. When the crime is at your doorstep from a thug that the Democratic DA let out the door, it’s hard to reason that away.
Biden’s numbers went down across most rubrics, but the dive in their opinion of Biden’s handling of crime was sharp — only about 36 percent of Americans supported him in the ABC/Ipsos poll. That was a dive from 43 percent from their polling in October, so it’s getting worse.