Townhall - Columnists - Kevin McCullough
Desperate Leftists Watching Power Slip Through Their Hands
Kevin McCullough | Posted: Dec 12, 2021 8:30 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
In the past few weeks, on a number of fronts, the WOKE Left in America have watched loss after loss pile up and they are realizing something that should encourage the rest of us.
Their days are numbered.
Now don’t be confused. Because they know that, they are becoming even more desperate and the panic-induced anxiety is bound to exhibit itself. None the less the simple fact that they are beginning to realize it is cause for us to smile, dig in, and work harder to see their doom come about.
As CoVid has languished within the public’s eye leading leftist politicians have exploited it to advance agendas that would never have normally seen the light of day. And because Americans are reasonable and genuinely want and hope that their elected leaders will be responsible—and they hope—they will be motivated for the public good.