Rasmussen Poll: 56 Percent Believe Cheating Tainted Biden's 2020 Victory
By Charlie McCarthy | Monday, 11 October 2021 03:11 PM
A majority of likely voters believe cheating tainted President Joe Biden's victory over former President Donald Trump in last year's election, a new Rasmussen Reports survey found.
A total of 56% of respondents are convinced "it's likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election," Rasmussen Reports said. That included 41% who said it was "very likely."
Thirty-nine percent (39%) said it wasn't likely the election was affected by cheating.
In April, 51% said Biden’s election was tainted by cheating -- so the latest results show a 5% increase.
READ MORE: https://www.newsmax.com/politics/rasmussen-survey-biden-election/2021/10/11/id/1040031/