Townhall - Columnists - Emmett Tyrrell
Newt's Prophecy
Emmett Tyrrell | Posted: Oct 21, 2021 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Washington -- In September, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich sat down with the Washington Times -- known amongst the cognoscenti as the "Good Times" --and made me wish he had never left the House of Representatives. Everything he said made perfect sense, including, I presume, an "Excuse me" or two when he sneezed. It is hay fever season after all. He began by saying that Republicans are facing an election season that they cannot afford "to blow." It is "a once-in-a-generation campaign opportunity to tag all congressional Democrats as 'big government socialists.'" And he pointed to their support for President Joe Biden's "$3.5 trillion social welfare spending package" and quickly added "$3 trillion in taxes."
"To have an issue of this size," he noted, "involving $3 1/2 trillion in spending and about $3 trillion in taxes, and to have every single Democrat having voted lockstep in favor of it, gives you a weight of argument unlike anything I've seen in recent years." Newt might have said not just in "recent years" but in his lifetime. The Democrats have given the Republicans a tremendous gift, and I cannot see how they will blow it. I doubt they will.
I agree with Ducey. We have the wind at our backs. It is time for Newt to run for the House again.