Saturday, June 06, 2020

AUSTRALIA_ Jeff Kennett- - Andrews 'sold Victoria's soul to china'_ Inside Victoria’s controversial Belt and Road Initiative deal with China


finance  -  economy  -  australian economy

Inside Victoria’s controversial Belt and Road Initiative deal with China

It was a secret arrangement that took foreign affairs officials by surprise, and now Victoria’s cosy arrangement with Beijing is back in the spotlight.

Shannon Molloy

June 7, 20201:34pm

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Video: You're watching Jeff Kennett- Andrews 'sold Victoria's soul to china'
It's time for Daniel Andrews to answer questions over the secretive Belt and Road deal with China says Jeff Kennett. Courtesy 3AW

Image: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews at Tiananmen Square in Beijing during one of several visits to China.Source:Supplied

On a seemingly ordinary October morning in 2018, senior officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade were blindsided in a pretty spectacular way.

A newspaper article about a historic deal between Victoria and China saw a flurry of confused panic ripple through the government’s frontline force for all things global affairs.

Premier Daniel Andrews had signed a memorandum of understanding with Beijing to make his state a member of the Communist Party’s $1.5 trillion Belt and Road Initiative – the only government in the country to do so.

In fact, it came after the Commonwealth had declined an invitation to sign on, largely out of concerns about China’s true intentions, so the news was viewed as quite astounding to DFAT.

A key player in “Team Australia” had gone rogue and they’d just found out about it at the same time as everybody else.

Eighteen months on, in the shadow of significant trade and political tensions between Canberra and Beijing, due to Australia’s call for an independent inquiry into the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, Victoria’s deal is under renewed scrutiny.

And there are calls for Mr Andrews to abandon the “dud” arrangement, which not only has offered no real benefit to Victoria, but “places the state in peril”.





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