Monday, April 06, 2020

OPINION_ American media keep repeating China's coronavirus talking points


American media keep repeating China's coronavirus talking points

by Washington Examiner
| April 06, 2020 12:00 AM

It should not be this easy for Chinese Communist Party propaganda to make its way into major American newsrooms.

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, which Chinese lies ensured would become a pandemic, American news media have promoted a number of Beijing-approved talking points, including the one that alleges it is racist to refer to the virus by its country and city of origin. American news media have also accepted at face value a series of dubious claims pushed by Chinese communist apparatchiks, including the absurd boast that China's new case numbers have remained essentially flat since late February.

"[The] U.S. has more known cases of coronavirus than any other country," CNN reported on March 26, its declaration coming in unison with nearly every major news outlet in the United States.




The American press’s readiness to treat reports out of Beijing with little, if any, skepticism comes as actual Chinese communist propaganda videos cite members of the free press in conjunction with its broader, hyperaggressive effort to avoid blame for creating the coronavirus pandemic.

Whether they know it or not, the journalists who claim it is problematic to refer to the virus by its country and city of origin, and the ones who claim China has the pandemic mostly under control, and who praise China's efforts to help other countries are doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party, which is eager both to present itself as the world’s leading superpower and scrub from the record its culpability in the spread of the virus.



Riêng với người Việt Nam MẤT NƯỚC vào tay việt cộng trong THÁNG TƯ QUỐC HẬN 45 năm qua, thiển nghĩ chỉ có những kẻ ĐẦN ĐỘN mới còn tin những gì cộng sản nói .


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