Sunday, May 26, 2019

OPINION_ Donald Trump makes good on a promise but Dems cry ‘coverup’



Donald Trump makes good on a promise but Dems cry ‘coverup’

By Michael Goodwin

May 26, 2019 | 12:24am | Updated

Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr
Getty Images

Timing is everything, and timing explains President Trump’s decision to finally pull the ripcord and open the Obama administration’s bag of dirty tricks.

With his memo giving Attorney General Bill Barr the authority to declassify any documents related to the investigation of the 2016 campaign, Trump made good on a longstanding promise. Most important, his decision signaled that the War of Washington is entering a crucial new phase.

The president is going nuclear.

Democrats who thought control of the House gave them control of the agenda now will face stiff competition. Their expressions of outrage will seem tired next to the sensational revelations about the actions of Jim Comey, John Brennan and ­others.

Based on what we already know, it is highly likely those revelations will prove the White House, FBI and CIA engineered the greatest scandal in American political history by unjustified spying on Trump and by trying to tip the election to Hillary Clinton.

Predictably, Dems are furious at Trump’s decision, with many on the left launching personal attacks on Barr. He’s not getting Brett Kavan-augh-level smears yet, but give them time.

Among the usual suspects, Rep. Adam Schiff called the president’s order “un-American.” That’s mighty rich, given his claims for two years that he had evidence Trump colluded with Russia. Odd that he never gave it to special counsel Robert Mueller.




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