Sunday, September 03, 2017

OPINION_ A North Korea nuclear nightmare: Trump has strong options he can use against Kim but he's got to act quickly



A North Korea nuclear nightmare: Trump has strong options he can use against Kim but he's got to act quickly

By Harry J. Kazianis

Published September 03, 2017 Fox News

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North Korea claims it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb

North Korea made clear its determination this weekend to keep advancing its nuclear weapons program, conducting its sixth and most powerful underground nuclear test only hours after claiming it has now developed a hydrogen bomb that can reach United States with the potential to kill millions.

I doubt the truth of the North’s boast that it has already developed an H-bomb that can be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile to wipe out a U.S. city or a city in another nation. But we could see the North achieve this frightening goal soon unless President Trump acts quickly and decisively.




I would argue that North Korea likely can already hit the U.S. with a crude nuclear delivery capability – now. So it’s an urgent matter of national security for President Trump and his administration to act to contain the nuclear and missile capabilities that Kim already has.



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