Tuesday, July 02, 2024

US_ Politico Drops Another Bomb on Biden: 'People Are Scared 'S******s of Him' in Briefings


Politico Drops Another Bomb on Biden: 'People Are Scared 'S******s of Him' in Briefings

By Mike Miller | 2:03 PM on July 02, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

The old axiom, "When it rains, it pours," doesn't come anywhere close to the last six days of embattled President Joe Biden and his (at least) equally embattled wife, pretend-Dr. Jill Biden.

First, if there has been a more disastrous
U.S. presidential debate performance in history than Biden's Thursday night fiasco on CNN, I am unaware of it. After dazed and confused Joe's catastrophic meltdown, his inner-circle aides absurdly attempted to blame his debate prep team.

Next up, the White House released a short, hastily-created speech on Friday in a desperate attempt to put out the debate dumpster fire. Yeah, no; it made things even worse, with Biden bizarrely looking like a Halloween jack-o-lantern.

RELATED: Biden's Handlers Release a New Video, and It's a Five-Alarm Fire Moment

Then things got even worse.

Vogue magazine released its July issue with a heavily air-brushed First Lady on the cover, but the accompanying quote only made things worse: "We will decide our own future." Translation: "I will decide our own future," no doubt meant the narcissist in chief.


READ MORE: https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2024/07/02/politico-drops-another-bomb-on-biden-people-are-scared-ss-of-him-in-briefings-n2176260


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