Saturday, July 06, 2024

COMMENTARY_ Biden’s moral deflections: Projections of a liar in chief


Biden’s moral deflections: Projections of a liar in chief

Joe Biden, the liar in chief illustration by Greg Groesch / The Washington Times more >


By Everett Piper - Friday, July 5, 2024


The theory of “projection” was initially developed by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century. It’s the argument that humans tend to deny their bad behavior and instead accuse others of doing the same thing. It’s also called ethical deflection. In layman’s terms, it’s the pot calling the kettle black.

The idea is that rather than admitting you’re wrong, you always find it easier to criticize other people for doing the same things you do. The character flaws you hate most about yourself are often the very things you tend to rail against in others. It’s one finger of accusation pointed outward while failing to realize that, simultaneously, you have several pointed back at yourself.

M. Scott Peck called it “People of the Lie.” Graham Walker uses the term “Pathology of the Intellect.” The Apostle Paul referred to it as being given over to a “reprobate mind.” In his seminal work, “The Great Divorce,” C.S. Lewis warned of the dangers of becoming the personification of your most cherished sins. Incessant grumbling, for example, will ultimately result in you becoming a walking, talking, eternal “grumble.”




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