Sunday, July 14, 2024

COLUMNS_ They Tried To Kill Trump – Now We’re Going To Fight Twice As Hard



They Tried To Kill Trump – Now We’re Going To Fight Twice As Hard

Kurt Schlichter | Jul 14, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

The nerve of Donald Trump, inciting that scumbag to shoot him by being literally Hitler, according to the regime media and the regime husk. And then his supporters shockingly dared to get mad about it – why aren’t they uniting around gun control, even though Trump was protected by guns and guns killed the scumbag, and even though guns are the only thing keeping Democrat-supported criminals and Democrat–supported tyranny at bay? But we know whose fault this is. And they know whose fault this is. And they’re going to lie about it anyway.

This was inevitable. Even if this wasn’t a specific plot, it was what they hoped for, and they did everything they could to encourage it. How incredibly shortsighted. Both Trump and America literally dodged a bullet, but the left did as well and doesn’t even know it. The scumbag crawled onto an open building roof with a view of the podium that somehow wasn’t covered or defended and got off several shots that - but for one inch - would have blown Trump’s brains out. The convulsions that would’ve followed in our society are terrifying to imagine. Unfortunately, he did manage to murder one Trump supporter and wound another. You could almost feel the disappointment in the coverage by the regime media. After the regime media reluctantly admitted it was an assassination attempt, which took hours, it was followed by a few halfhearted thoughts and prayers from the left, as well as more than a few social media cheers. Major Democrats are now publicly shaking their collective collectivist head over political violence for once. Out of public view, they are probably pounding their collective collectivist head against the wall because they fear - rightly - that Trump’s glorious defiance in the face of his attempted murder may have just won him a landslide against their dementite candidate, a corrupted, perverted zombie who thinks Matlock is a real lawyer and that Hunter ought to hire him for his next trial.

The administration didn’t have to arrange this specific incident to make it happen. The hatred it stirred up was always intended to get some lunatic to take a potshot at Trump as a fringe benefit of the main objective of motivating borderline clinical moron voters. As is typical these days, incompetence played a huge role. If only we had some sort of secret agency that provided a service of defending public figures. Well, some public figures. Under this administration, the Secret Service doesn’t protect Robert Kennedy, Jr., whose father was murdered by a Palestinian scumbag. It doesn’t protect senior members of the Trump administration who the Iranians have promised to murder. And it is now clear that it barely protected Donald Trump.




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