Tuesday, May 30, 2023

COMMENTARY_ What’s playing at the Kennedy Center? Our sick culture


What’s playing at the Kennedy Center? Our sick culture

Bad Music and America’s sick culture Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times more >


By R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. - - Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Last week, in this space, I wrote about culture and how essential it is to the politics of a nation. If the culture of a country is upbeat, the country will be fine. If the culture of a country is in decline, its politics will follow.

Simply put, culture prefigures politics. Russia — once referred to as the Soviet Union — is an example of what I have in mind. Imagine mighty Russia struggling with heroic though much smaller Ukraine.

Closer to home, if the culture of a country is infantile, the political issues that the country immerses itself in will be infantile. America now spends an inordinate amount of time administering to the public bathroom needs — or claimed needs — of people who insist they are something other than what their biological manifestations say they are. The whims of congenital malcontents trump biology.


READ MORE: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/may/30/whats-playing-at-kennedy-center-our-sick-culture/


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