Tuesday, May 23, 2023

COMMENTARY_ Criminality of Biden-Garland’s Justice Department bigger than Watergate


Criminality of Biden-Garland’s Justice Department bigger than Watergate

President Joe Biden walks back to the Oval Office past Attorney General Merrick Garland after speaking in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Friday, May 13, 2022, during an event to highlight state and local leaders who … more >


By Newt Gingrich - - Monday, May 22, 2023


The current reports of executive branch illegality make Watergate look like kindergarten mischief.

It is clear from the Durham Report and the work of House Republican hearings that the current scandals in the Biden White House — and senior bureaucracies at the Justice Department, IRS and elsewhere — are much deeper and more cancerous than Watergate ever was.

It may be hard to remember, but Watergate came about due to a weird, dumb, and fairly narrow set of criminal behaviors that mushroomed into 69 officials being indicted and 48 imprisoned.

I remember Watergate vividly, because I first ran for Congress in 1974 during that scandal.

President Richard Nixon had won the largest popular vote majority in modern history in 1972 (60.7% to 37.5%). He won every state and territory except Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.

Two short years later, he became the first president to resign from office.


READ MORE: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/may/22/criminality-of-biden-garlands-justice-department-b/


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