Monday, April 03, 2023

COLUMNISTS_ Destroying the Rule of Law


Destroying the Rule of Law

Allen West | Apr 03, 2023

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

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If you dislike Donald Trump, that is your right. However, if you dislike the rule of law that is supposed to govern these United States of America, we have a problem. The indictment of a former U.S. President and declared candidate for president, is highly disconcerting, especially when one considers the nature of the so-called "charges." I could not care less if Donald Trump gave "hush" money to a porn star back in 2016. What concerns me is why a misdemeanor is being upgraded to a felony offense by a New York City District Attorney. The same DA who downgraded felony offenses to misdemeanors and released violent criminals back onto the streets to continue assaulting innocent citizens. Why does this same DA prosecute something that has gone past the statute of limitations? Something his predecessor refused to pursue, along with the Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice.

Okay, I get it--there are those who just cannot wait to see mug shots and handcuffs on a former President Donald Trump. However, what if there had been mug shots and handcuffs on Bill Clinton? After all, here is someone who was a sitting president who sexually assaulted a young female intern in the Oval Office . . . and then lied about it. Ahh, I get it, we were told that it wasn't about character, it was about the economy.




Today we have a president, who is a former vice-president, who has a son who is as corrupt as the days are long. A son who is guilty of a felony gun charge. A son who is linked to influence peddling with our number one geo-political foe, and it appears we have a president who has financially benefited from said illicit dealings. However, when a computer surfaced with damning evidence it was dismissed as “Russian disinformation” by members of the U.S. intelligence community. Now, that same son is seeking legal action against the computer store owner who was in possession of the laptop that he originally said wasn't his.

Let's stop talking about Donald J. Trump; this is not about him. This is all about the left destroying our rule of law. This is their mantra and modus operandi. This is not just about defeating them in a political contest, it is about defeating the progressive socialist, Marxist, leftist ideology in America and rendering it ineffective in its goal of fundamentally transforming our America. That is the ultimate threat to our Republic and its system of representative democracy and individual rights, freedoms, and liberties.

Steadfast and Loyal.



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