Saturday, July 09, 2022

TIPSHEET_ White House Tries to Deny Biden's Teleprompter Blunder


Townhall  -  Tipsheet  -  Sarah Arnold

White House Tries to Deny Biden's Teleprompter Blunder

Sarah Arnold
| Posted: Jul 09, 2022 4:00 PM

Source: Susan Walsh/AP Photo

You won’t believe your ears, and according to the White House they don’t want you to.

After President Joe Biden misread the teleprompter, White House assistant press secretary Emilie Simons attempted damage control in defending Biden’s word blunder.

During a White House event, Biden was reading the teleprompter and instead of following the instructions that read “End of quote. Repeat the line,” Biden actually read that line word for word.

Just another reason why Biden should not be running the country.

In response to critics lambasting Biden, Simons and everyone in the Biden administration is denying the fact that the president did mess up his words.

“No. He said, ‘let me repeat that line,” Simons tweeted after the video of the president went viral.




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