Thursday, July 07, 2022

TIPSHEET_ Fox News Host: Biden's Energy Policy Is an Impeachable Offense


Townhall  -  Tipsheet  -  Matt Vespa

Fox News Host: Biden's Energy Policy Is an Impeachable Offense

Matt Vespa | @mvespa1
| Posted: Jul 07, 2022 3:15 PM

Source: Photo via Gage Skidmore

It's a lengthy commentary but this one shreds the endless stream of nonsense the Biden administration has manufactured in a pathetic attempt to cover for their serial failure on gas prices, inflation, and the supply chain fiasco. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson went on a near 20-minute tear into this administration. Carlson knows the Left hates him. His segment served as another reminder of why they hate him—and it’s something he wears with pride. He eviscerates all their narratives with ease. Carlson explained what we all know which is that Biden’s energy policy is grounded in intentional harm. The Green Left wants to end fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine. The Left thinks they know best. They knew this would be a painful transition, but they don’t care. Biden’s senility works in their favor; they can drag him along.




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