Left's Lenient, Pro-Criminal Policies Mean More Innocents Will Die
By Clarence V. McKee
Tuesday, 08 February 2022 02:22 PM
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In January of this year alone, twenty-four police officers were shot in the United States, including four killed. Of the dead, two were New York City police officers — Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora.
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) president Patrick Yoes said the targeted violence against police officers is the "worst" he's ever seen.
Can you imagine the reaction of the Black political and civil rights leadership if 24 Blacks were shot and four killed by police in major cities in just one month?
The result would unquestionably be absolute outrage.
That leadership would have urged President Joe Biden to send U.S. troops to American cities to protect Blacks, not eastern Europe, to protect Ukrainians from an invasion by Russia.
READ MORE: https://www.newsmax.com/clarencevmckee/crump-prosecutors-sharpton/2022/02/08/id/1056019/