Dick Morris: Tucker Carlson Went Off Rails Backing Putin, Shame on Him
By Dick Morris
Thursday, 24 February 2022 10:18 AM
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We are truly living in a bizarre world, and to prove the point you have to just tune into Tucker Carlson these days on Fox News.
I must admit, in the past I would agree with Fox News’ lead host most of the time and on most issues.
But on one of the gravest matters ever to face our republic, Carlson has gone completely off the rails.
One could dismiss an eccentric view here or there from any host.
But as war now rages in Europe with Russia’s reckless and unwarranted invasion of Ukraine, everything we feared about Vladimir Putin is coming true.
READ MORE: https://www.newsmax.com/morris/gorbachev-reagan-yushchenko/2022/02/24/id/1058321/