Environmental jihadists spark invasion of Ukraine
'Green New Deal' war won't be the last
By Charles Hurt - The Washington Times - Monday, February 28, 2022
Welcome to the first war of the Green New Deal.
This is what happens when rabid environmental zealots leading our government neuter American energy independence and hand global power over to rapacious tyrants hellbent on taking over the world.
Since President Biden’s first day in office, he has made it his chief goal to weaken the United States to the point that we are now dependent upon Russia for oil — the very lifeblood on which the world still runs. The punishing gas prices you see at the pump today are not an unfortunate consequence, but the very intentional purpose of Mr. Biden’s policies.
READ MORE: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/feb/28/environmental-jihadists-spark-invasion-of-ukraine/