Biden Veers Into 'Worst President Ever' Territory
By Nick Arama | Feb 03, 2022 2:15 PM ET
We’ve seen a lot of very bad poll numbers when it comes to Joe Biden, and the numbers only seem to be getting worse.
His approval cratered to as low as 33 percent approval in a January Quinnipiac poll. He’s down with all groups and across all categories. A recent poll showed Americans rejecting big time his approaches on Ukraine, SCOTUS, and the economy, with 75 percent thinking the economy was poor, and 76 percent rejecting that he only consider a black woman nominee for the SCOTUS vacancy.
A Rasmussen poll from a few days ago even found that 50 percent of likely voters back impeaching Biden over issues like the border and Afghanistan. That even included the incredible number — 34 percent — of Democrats. Perhaps worst of all is the general overall opinion of where America is: 72 percent of Americans think that the country is heading in the wrong direction under Joe Biden. All those are just killer numbers.
The latest poll from Rasmussen now shows Biden veering into “worst ever” territory.