Biden Increasingly Likely to Be Impeached if Republicans Regain Control of House in Midterms
By Mike Miller | Feb 07, 2022 12:15 PM ET
What a difference a midterm election makes.
Or should make, that is, come January 2023, after the Republican Party more than likely kicks Democrat ass in November and takes back control of the House — and hopefully the Senate — in January.
This time, instead of Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats impeaching Donald Trump every 15 minutes on bogus trumped-up charges, a Republican majority appears more than like to impeach Joe Biden based on at least one legitimate charge: failing to secure the border of the United States.
Moreover, it’s not like Biden isn’t already on a downward slide regarding “the I-word.”
As my colleague Nick Arama reported, a Rasmussen poll released on January 31 found that fully 50 percent of likely voters backed impeaching Biden over his purposely-created Biden Border Crisis™ and the Biden Afghanistan Debacle™, with 45 percent opposing it.