Townhall - Tipsheet - Matt Vespa
Chris Wallace's CNN Gig Is Not Going Well
Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 | Posted: Feb 08, 2022 2:35 PM
Chris Wallace left Fox News in December. He left for CNN, which has become a destination network for fake conservatives. Most of the anti-Trump GOP has floated into this network which has become exposed as a bastion for pedophilia and sexual deviants. Then-CNN President Jerry Zucker reportedly lured Wallace away from Fox. It was a free agency signing that Wallace couldn’t turn down. He was going to be a centerpiece of the new CNN+ streaming service, and then Zucker left. He was forced to resign over an inappropriate relationship with his right-hand woman. At least, that’s the reason that was given for the other outlets to report. Now, Wallace’s shiny new gig has turned into something of a nightmare. He literally has no staff and the man who really wanted him at the network has been jettisoned (via RadarOnline) [emphasis mine]: