Townhall - Tipsheet - Spencer Brown
Americans Are Fed Up with Government Regulations and Woke Corporations: Gallup
Spencer Brown | @itsspencerbrown | Posted: Feb 07, 2022 12:45 PM

A new Gallup survey of Americans' satisfaction with the federal government's regulation of business shows that people are fed up with big government intrusion into the free market. Just 28 percent of Americans report being "satisfied" with the level of government regulation, a record low for the metric that Gallup started measuring in 2016 and an eight-point drop since last year's survey was conducted.
The lack of satisfaction is accompanied by increasing dissatisfaction, as Gallup explains. "Dissatisfaction is at a new high of 60% and includes 29% of U.S. adults who prefer less government regulation, 18% who favor more and 13% who are dissatisfied but say it should remain about the same."