Monday, February 07, 2022

OPINION_ End the lockdowns, end the mandates, end the madness


End the lockdowns, end the mandates, end the madness

The data is in, the science is clear

Mad Scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times more >

By Jenny Beth Martin - - Monday, February 7, 2022


We’ve had enough. To be sure, many of us had had enough before government officials launched the very first lockdown — we could see where this was headed, and we knew it would not be pretty. For others, it’s taken two long years to get to this point. All over the world, increasing numbers have concluded that their government’s responses to COVID-19 were misguided from the start, and they are demanding change. With the release of a new academic study last week that shows that lockdowns had “little to no effect” on mortality rates and “should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy,” we are left wondering — why has President Biden not simply declared the lockdown and vaccine mandate policy over?

In Canada, truckers formed a 40-mile “Freedom Convoy” and brought traffic to a standstill for days in the nation’s capital. In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government hangs by a thread resulting from opposition to his COVID-19 lockdowns. In France, President Emmanuel Macron threatens the unvaccinated. In Australia, citizens are copying the truckers in Canada — protesters formed a similar “Convoy to Canberra.” And here in the United States, just a few Sundays ago, 30,000 fellow citizens gathered in freezing temperatures at the Lincoln Memorial to employ their First Amendment rights to protest vaccine mandates and plan their own trucker convoy.

In the U.K., the backlash against the prime minister was further fueled when it was revealed that he had hosted parties at 10 Downing Street while his government was enforcing a strict lockdown policy. Too many in the media misunderstand the backlash — they tell us it’s because Mr. Johnson wasn’t following his own rules, he was being a hypocrite, he was being an elitist.




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