FILM REVIEW: 'Capitol Punishment' The Movie
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | Dec 14, 2021 2:30 PM ET
Actor-Director-Producer Nick Searcy (Justified, The Shape of Water, Gosnell) and Director Chris Burgard (The Ruining, Border, America! America! God Shed His Grace On Thee) unite once again with the film Capitol Punishment.
This important documentary delves into the events of January 6, 2021—not the events that have been regurgitated ad infinitum by the legacy media, but the actual facts on the ground and how the people on the ground have been affected. The millions who showed up peacefully, and left the same way. The singing and the prayers. The different races, cultures, and religious backgrounds coming together with a unified purpose—not to overthrow the government, but to let the government know that they answer to We The People.
It is the last part that is most upsetting to the power structure, and why the manufactured unrest of January 6 happened.
In RedState’s interview with Searcy, he explained,
“The idea of it being an insurrection to me was ridiculous because most of the people that I saw there were my age, you know, and we were all unarmed. What have we got with us? You know, Poligrip and blood pressure medicine, and sleep apnea masks. You know, what are we going to do? How are we going to overthrow the government?
“It doesn’t make any sense, and I just think you have to stand up and and say that you’re not telling the whole story.
“And not only that, I mean, the whole narrative coming out of the media was that this was all a bunch of crazed, rabid, white supremacist Trump supporters that did all the violence, and that’s just not true. We have footage of people in the bushes that were changing in and out of their Trump gear, and footage of people that are just obviously not Trump people ordering, you know, waving people into the Capitol. All these kind of instigators that did not fit the crowd at all.
“And they’re not telling you any of that. They don’t want to go into that.”