Why Congress must investigate Hunter Biden
And all those protecting him
llustration on investigating Hunter Biden by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times more >
By Newt Gingrich - - Monday, December 6, 2021
Despite every effort of the Biden administration, the Justice Department, the congressional Democrats, and the propaganda media, Hunter Biden will end up being investigated – and the impact on President Joe Biden, his administration, and his legacy is going to be enormous.
As more stories about Hunter Biden’s meetings with foreign agents in Serbia, China, and elsewhere come out, serious scrutiny will become unavoidable.
The evidence is overwhelming that Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine, Russia, and China have direct national security implications. We simply do not know how much the Biden administration’s weakness toward Communist China is influenced by the Chinese corruption of the Biden family and its allies. We do not know how much Vladimir Putin has been emboldened by his knowledge of the corruption of Hunter Biden – and through him, the governing family of the United States.
READ MORE: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/dec/6/why-congress-must-investigate-hunter-biden/