Monday, December 06, 2021

OPINION_ GORDON: The Woke Revolution Eats Its Own. Again.



GORDON: The Woke Revolution Eats Its Own. Again.

(Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Turner)

J. D. Gordon
Former Pentagon Spokesman, George W. Bush Administration

December 06, 2021 11:48 AM ET

Reasonable minds may differ about the severity of Chris Cuomo using an anchorman position at CNN to help his brother Andrew survive as the governor of New York.

Certainly seems mild compared to whipping America into a frenzy over the Russiagate collusion hoax, which targeted countless innocent people from President Trump on down. And minor compared to CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin masturbating on a Zoom call with co-workers.

Yet any objective person can agree that the Woke Revolution eats its own. Again. The left-wing brothers were toppled by the left, not the right.




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