Thursday, December 09, 2021

OPINION_ Biden reversed the most successful border security policy ever created


Biden reversed the most successful border security policy ever created

Without a border, we are not a country

Illustration on Biden and the southern border by Linas Garsys/ The Washington Times more >

By Tom Homan - - Thursday, December 9, 2021


From its first days in power, the Biden administration has claimed the border crisis was created because they inherited a broken and dismantled immigration system. I have heard Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Alejandro Mayorkas all make this claim. They then added that it was due to climate change, violence and poverty. Most of these claims can be disproven by simply comparing the current situation to border operations during the Trump years.

Where was the climate change when illegal immigration was down to nearly a 40-year low under President Donald J. Trump? Where was the violence and poverty? Sadly, they were all there, but the Trump administration proved that you could still have a secure border despite these factors. It is also important to remember that climate change, violence and poverty are not legal justifications to claim asylum or make a credible fear claim as outlined in the federal laws explaining the asylum process. At least it wasn’t until the Biden administration changed it.

The talking point that they inherited a broken immigration system is just a distraction from what they are doing. The fact is that the Biden administration inherited the most secure border in my career. The data on arrests and asylum claims clearly show that.




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