Record-High Favorability Numbers for Trump in Iowa Ahead of Rally
By Solange Reyner | Monday, 04 October 2021 03:45 PM
Former President Donald Trump heads to Iowa this Saturday for the first time since the 2020 presidential election with an all-time high in favorability ratings in the first-in-the-nation caucus state as he openly flirts with a White House bid, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa poll.
The survey comes as President Joe Biden’s approval numbers continue to dip following a chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal critics call an embarrassing botch job, a dramatic surge in migrants crossing the nation's southern border, and another surge in COVID-19 infections.
Fifty-three percent of Iowans have a favorable view of Trump, while 45 percent disapprove. Two percent have no opinion. Trump is viewed favorably by 91 percent of Republicans, 73 percent of self-identified evangelicals and 68 percent of rural voters. Sixty-one percent of men view Trump favorably, but 52 percent of women see him in an unfavorable light.