Townhall - Tipsheet - Matt Vespa
New Poll: Most Say 2020 Election Was Totally Loaded with Fraud
Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 | Posted: Oct 11, 2021 4:45 PM
Afghanistan collapsed. Inflation is soaring. Job creating slowing. Consumer confidence falling. China is getting more aggressive in the Taiwan Straits. The border is an absolute fiasco. COVID vaccinations have cratered. And Joe Biden is AWOL on everything. Where is this guy? He lied about getting the vaccine and taking the mask off. He lied about the mandate itself. It’s why 38 percent approve of the job he’s doing. It’s why 50 percent think he’s dishonest. It’s why 55 percent think he’s incompetent at running the country. That’s the latest from Quinnipiac of all places. You reach that number when an increasing number of Americans have finally seen the light. Independents have soured on Biden by 20+ points. He’s lost the middle.