Illegal immigration is destroying our country
By Cal Thomas - - Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Britain’s Home Office says more than 12,500 migrants have broken the law to get into the U.K. so far this year. Compare this to the nearly 200,000 migrants who have crossed the virtually nonexistent southern border just in July of this year. The count is estimated by the overwhelmed U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a name that is almost contradictory given the Biden administration’s refusal to enforce the law and secure the border. It helps that Britain has a natural channel separating it from the continent, while our border resembles Swiss cheese.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words are necessary to express alarm when one looks at the “dozens of stacked columns of steel” worth $100 million lying at the border? This material was supposed to finish a portion of the wall to reduce the flow and discourage new migrants from coming. In another spiteful move, the Biden administration has canceled all contracts with companies selected during the Trump years to build the wall. That’s taxpayer money going to waste.
No one should consider this “invasion” a happenstance. If these were soldiers coming into the country from other nations, presumably even this administration might do something about it. These are soldiers of another kind, who are untested for COVID-19, harming our economy by sucking up “benefits,” bringing crime, and in some cases, possible terrorism.