Sunday, May 02, 2021

COLUMNISTS_ Here Is What Republican Voters Really Believe in. It's a Shame the GOP Has No Idea


Townhall  -  Columnists  -  Wayne Allyn Root


Here Is What Republican Voters Really Believe in. It's a Shame the GOP Has No Idea

Wayne Allyn Root
| Posted: May 02, 2021 12:01 AM

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Source: AP Photo/John Raoux

At least 74 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Everyone I know believes the number was actually much higher, but 74 million is the number the biased, "fake news" media counts as fact.

This is the base of the Republican Party. I know what these 74 million (and probably a few more million) voters believe in. How? Because I tested my beliefs at three major GOP events in the past month where I was the keynote speaker. And I got wild, enthusiastic standing ovations at all three.

What's amazing is that the GOP leadership in Washington, D.C., and the Republican National Committee have no clue what their most loyal, passionate voters believe in.




I said, "No matter what the lying, 'fake news' media says, no matter what they try to stuff down our throats, I know President Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election."

Wild applause.

"I know Biden and the Democrats rigged, fixed and stole the election."

Wild applause.


"They think they destroyed Trump and demoralized us. The opposite is true. We love Trump now more than ever. We know Trump was one of the greatest presidents in our country's history. And we want him back. We'd walk over hot coals for him. And that's precisely why they hate him so much."

Wild applause.


"We know Biden is not the real president. He's braindead. He has dementia. He's a puppet."

Wild applause.


"We know this is the most radical agenda in history. This is a communist takeover of the United States."

Wild applause.

"We know the Democratic (i.e., communist) game plan to destroy the USA: open borders. They're inviting the entire world in. They want to destroy America, wipe out our votes and make America foreign to Americans."

Wild applause.


Whether the GOP leadership in D.C. understands it or not, that is what 74 million (or more) GOP voters believe in. That's raw truth that Republican voters are desperate to hear. That is how you get a standing ovation from Republican voters.

And that is how the GOP can start winning elections again.



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