Sunday, May 02, 2021

Biden “America Last” (!)_ Red-Pilled by The Hologram


Red-Pilled by The Hologram

By Stu Cvrk
| May 02, 2021 11:30 AM ET

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

One hundred days into the bait-and-switch presidency, the “America Last” doctrine of The Hologram and his ChiCom-compromised administration is red-pilling Americans with each passing day – at least those who are not themselves compromised and/or Communists like those associated with the Black Lives Matter movement. Here is a short list of the America Last policies implemented to date (not all-inclusive by any means):

* Locking down the Capitol like the average Third World/Communist dictatorship

* Holding 6 January activists in solitary confinement without charges

* Opening the Mexican border to a flood of illegal aliens (and all the drug and human trafficking, spreading of diseases including the ChiCom virus, and surge in criminal activity)

* Pushing continued mask mandates despite CDC guidance and studies showing they’re ineffective

* Busting the budget with a virus relief bill of which only 9% actually goes to people affected, with another $6 trillion (!!) in porkulus promised during his gaffe-filled speech on Wednesday

* Proposed gargantuan tax increases that will destroy economic growth

* Pursuing Green New Deal-related policies via executive orders and the administrative state instead of Congress

* Targeting of Democrat political enemies by DoJ and the FBI

* Pushing a narrative of systemic police violence against black Americans without evidence

* Destroying the military from within through Marxist-inspired Critical Race Theory training,

* Ruling by executive order without the promised bipartisanship,





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