Woke Capitalists Are Left's Best Useful Idiots
By George J. Marlin
Thursday, 20 May 2021 10:23 AM
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In May 2019, Gov. Brian Kemp, R-Ga., signed into law a bill limiting abortions to the first six weeks of a pregnancy; down from 20 weeks.
Ignoring the fact that the law was enacted by duly elected officials, Hollywood corporate moguls and actors, led by Disney, issued statements threatening to boycott the state of Georgia.
While the issue became moot after a federal court ruled the law unconstitutional in July 2020, the boycott, if implemented, would have had a devastating economic impact on the City of Atlanta because it is the film capital for making movies and television shows.
READ MORE: https://www.newsmax.com/george-j-marlin/critical-feminism-race-theory/2021/05/20/id/1022087/