Anomalous Turnouts in 5 States Flipped to Biden
President-elect Joe Biden
By Mark Schulte
Tuesday, 05 January 2021 08:37 AM
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Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin are the key states, with a total of 73 electoral votes,which were ostensibly flipped from Donald Trump in 2016 to Joe Biden in 2020.
Pennsylvania has 20 electoral votes; Georgia and Michigan, 16 each; Arizona, 11; and Wisconsin, 10.
Votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020, and the percentage increases are:
Indeed, Biden's anomalous turnout is 30% higher than Clinton's, and this increase ranks fourth among those of the 15 crucial states analyzed in this article:____________
Arizona: 44%
Texas: 36%
Georgia: 32%
Then, if Nevada were to follow Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin, in flipping from Biden to Trump, the president would be re-elected with 275 electoral votes, to Biden's 263.
Additional Congressional-mandated audits of highly disputed Pennsylvania, with 6.9 million votes cast, and Michigan, with 5.5 million, would become moot.
Finally, if Democrats and their legion of cohorts in the “Fake Liberal Media” are convinced that Biden won the election fairly, why are they so fanatically obstructing honest examinations of the legality of votes in four to six states?