The Lincoln Project is a Money-Making Opportunity Created By Former McCain Supporters Without Campaign Jobs in 2020
By Shipwreckedcrew | Jan 31, 2021 4:30 PM ET
AP Photo/Matt Rourke
John McCain ran for President in 2008 as the almost-stereotypical “It’s My Turn Next” GOP candidate.
And let’s not overlook the FACT that John McCain played a key role in pushing along the Russia Hoax investigation in 2016.
They had great contacts in the media because that was the environment in which most of them had worked — not as on-screen talent for the most part but as political operatives who engineered media campaigns.
The Lincoln Project is one big media campaign, the objective of which was to oppose Pres. Trump’s reelection in 2020. In addition to being the driving forces behind the project, and the face of the project promoted by their friends in network media, the Lincoln Project founders used their companies to create the media content — that was their vocation after all — deriving huge income and press attention using the contributions received from the Never Trumpers who they were exploiting in the process.