Are We in Danger From Wuhan Virus or Are We Sheep Being Led by Idiots Instead of Experts
By streiff | Nov 30, 2020 1:45 PM ET
AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Our nation is being held hostage. Not by the fear of a virus but by incompetence.
I say fear of a virus for a reason. The actual virus itself, as the CDC has shown, is not particularly lethal. Like most other viruses, if you are healthy, if you don’t have severe co-morbidities, and you are not immune-compromised, you will have a brief, mild illness and fully recover, in fact, so mild that the overwhelming majority of people who have contracted Chinese Lung AIDS don’t even know that they have done so. Of course, there are exceptions, but there are exceptions to just about everything. You don’t order society based on your worst fears about an ephemeral threat.
We have been cowed into obedience by two powerful forces., There is the state’s coercive power, which can deprive you of liberty and property. For that power to come into play, though, requires a conferred legitimacy. That legitimacy is being provided by, to be charitable, idiots who have insinuated themselves into the highest levels of our “scientific community.” I say charitable because if we don’t think they are idiots, we are left with the realization that they are truly evil people who are more than willing to kill as many of us as it takes to make us do what they want.