Tuesday, April 09, 2019

OPINION_ Socialism Fails Every Time



Socialism Fails Every Time

The best outcome is a reversion to capitalism. The worst? Hundreds of millions dead.

By Joshua Muravchik  

April 9, 2019 7:16 p.m. ET

Self-described socialist Bernie Sanders has become a favorite of young voters by posing as an apostle of daring new ideas. Socialism, however, is anything but new. It’s hard to think of another idea that has been tried and failed as many times in as many ways or at a steeper price in human suffering.

The term “socialism” was coined by followers of Robert Owen (1771-1858), whom Karl Marx would label a “utopian socialist.” In 1825 Owen founded New Harmony, an Indiana commune, to demonstrate the superiority of what was first...

READ MORE: https://www.wsj.com/articles/socialism-fails-every-time-11554851786


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