Tuesday, April 09, 2019

OPINION_ Behind the homeland security shakeup: This prez demands results



Behind the homeland security shakeup: This prez demands results

By Jonathan S. Tobin

April 8, 2019 | 8:12pm | Updated

Kirstjen Nielsen
Getty Images

It’s hard not to have sympathy for outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

She was battered by the left as the face of last year’s family separation policy and hampered by ­adverse court rulings that pushed back against administration policies. She also found herself on the receiving end of President Trump’s anger over the failure of her department to halt the surge of illegal immigration on our southern border — a crisis the left remains determined to ignore and wish away.

On Sunday, her 16-month tour at Homeland Security came to an end when Nielsen submitted her resignation to the president.


READ MORE: https://nypost.com/2019/04/08/behind-the-homeland-security-shakeup-this-prez-demands-results/


Nielsen’s successor deserves more support from Congress as well as the White House than she received, but it won’t hurt to have someone in the job who is perceived as tougher by observers on both sides of the border.

Nielsen deserves thanks for trying to carry out a thankless job, but a cabinet position isn’t an ­entitlement.

In a crisis like the one we’re facing at the border, Trump should keep firing people until he finds the ones who will do the job.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of JNS.org and a contributor to National Review. Twitter: @JonathanS_Tobin



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