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China’s growing debt mountain poses a risk to Australia’s financial stability, a senior politician has warned, just weeks after the continent celebrated a quarter century of growth without a recession.
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm"conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog". Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị . conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 01112016 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
'Trump is going to win': Expert who has been right for 30 years tips Donald
Yahoo US on October 31, 2016, 10:43 am
Hillary Clinton may still be ahead in most national polls, but at least one expert who is on a serious hot streak, remains convinced that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States.
VIDEO Bobby Knight joins Trump onstage, calls candidate ‘tough SOB’
American University Professor Allen J. Lichtman, who has accurately predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1984, first forecast a victory for Trump during an interview with the Washington Post last month.
Granted that was before the release of the now-infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, followed by mounting allegations of sexual misconduct, which Trump attempted to counter with claims of a rigged election and that the media was conspiring against him.
Despite all his recent controversy, Donald Trump will be the next United States president according to a US professor who has correctly tipped every president since 1984. Photo: AAP
Meanwhile, the tense presidential debates concluded with the suggestion from Trump that he might not accept the outcome of the election if he is not the winner.
Despite all this controversy, Mr Lichtman has not wavered from his prediction.
“By the narrowest of possible margins, the keys still point to a Trump victory,” he told the Post this week.
As Mr Lichtman noted in this latest interview, he is not a “psychic,” nor does he “look into a crystal ball.” Rather, his projections are based on a unique system that relies on 13 True/False questions, or “keys,” to evaluate the strength of the incumbent party.
American Universtiy professor Allen J Lichtman has stuck with his prediction despite Trump coming under increasing fire in recent weeks.
“An answer of True on these True/False questions always favors the reelection of the party in power,” Lichtman explained.
“And if six or more of the 13 keys are False, the party in power, the party holding the White House, is the predicted loser — any six or more.”
Until last month, he said, the Democratic Party only had five keys against it. The final key that led Lichtman to make his prediction that Trump will win was “the third-party key, and that is based on an assessment that you would expect the third-party candidate, in this case the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, to get 5 percent or more of the vote.”
Not the Donald. Hillary Clinton's commanding lead has been cut back following the FBI's decision to reopen the investigation into her email scandal.
While “severe and unprecedented,” Lichtman said that the problems created for Trump by the “Access Hollywood” tape and subsequent sexual assault claims did not ultimately change any of the keys.
Still, he provided “two major qualifications” to his projection, noting that “I’m not a hedger, and I’ve never qualified before, in 30 years of predictions.”
The first qualification is that, according to Lichtman’s system, “it takes six keys to count the party in power out, and they have exactly six keys,” one of which requires that at least 5 percent of the popular vote go to Gary Johnson.
Using his proven theory 'Keys to the Whitehouse', the US professor has told the world not to write off Trump just yet. Photo: AAP
“He could slip below that, which would shift the prediction,” Lichtman said.
The other qualification is Trump himself.
“We have never seen someone who is broadly regarded as a history-shattering, precedent-making, dangerous candidate who could change the patterns of history that have prevailed since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860,” Lichtman said.
Though his system, which was developed by studying every presidential election between 1960 and 1980, has proven to be a reliable indicator of election outcomes for the past 20 years, Lichtman admitted that “this election has the potential to shatter the normal boundaries of American politics and reset everything—including, perhaps, reset the keys to the White House.”
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm"conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog". Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị . conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 01112016 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
EXCLUSIVE: Russian submarines spotted off BRITISH COAST in latest Putin offensive
RUSSIA is sending three powerful submarines capable of bombing the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo.
By Marco Giannangeli, Exclusive PUBLISHED: 00:01, Sun, Oct 30, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:21, Sun, Oct 30, 2016
Russian submarines have been spotted on their way to join action against rebels in Aleppo
While the world condemns the flotilla of Russian surface battleships on its way to the east Mediterranean, it is the submarines that will unleash deadly metal rain on Syria’s last rebel stronghold, experts warn.
The news comes as tensions between London and Moscow escalate following Britain’s decision to deploy tanks, fighter aircraft and up to 800 troops to Baltic war games.
A Royal Navy nuclear submarine was last night tracking two of the boats in the Irish Sea.
They are expected to join the task force, headed by Russia’s only aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, on Monday.
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm"conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog". Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị . conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 31102016 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC