Sunday, March 05, 2023

COMMENTARY_ COVID-19 ‘conspiracy theories’ turned out to be true


COVID-19 ‘conspiracy theories’ turned out to be true

Illustration on the need to investigate the source of COVID-19 by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times more >


By Robert Knight - - Sunday, March 5, 2023


One by one, the myths and lies propagated by the ruling elites about COVID-19 are falling like dominoes.

What was supposed to have been “misinformation” is the real deal.

The “wet market” theory, which never made sense, is turning out to be all wet. Major government agencies — the Department of Energy and the FBI — now say that the virus probably leaked from China’s Wuhan virology lab. It didn’t come from a bat sandwich after all.

Likewise, the lockdowns imposed all over the country did not slow the pandemic but did enormous damage. A year ago, Johns Hopkins issued a meta-analysis stating that while “lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted.”

We now know that natural immunity derived from infection is far superior to that of the so-called vaccines, which prevent neither infection nor transmission. The February edition of the liberal Lancet medical journal reviewed 68 studies, concluding that the vaccines lose effectiveness sooner than natural immunity.

Keep in mind that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health authorities dismissed natural immunity in favor of the vaccines for nearly two years.




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