Wednesday, August 17, 2022

TIPSHEET_ Mike Pence's Inability to See Why Defunding the FBI Is Different Than Defunding the Police Is a Problem


Townhall  -  Tipsheet  -  Matt Vespa

Mike Pence's Inability to See Why Defunding the FBI Is Different Than Defunding the Police Is a Problem

Matt Vespa | @mvespa1
| Posted: Aug 17, 2022 5:00 PM

Source: AP Photo/Morry Gash

Is it the GOP establishment’s intention to take themselves out of the 2024 running before it even begins? Not saying that whoever decides to run against Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis have a prayer of clinching the Republican nomination, but at least make throwing the game look less noticeable. Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who fell victim to what only could be described as a political genocide in her state last night, said she could run in 2024. She is obsessed with preventing Donald Trump from being elected president again. Maybe that’s why she lost her primary by nearly 40 points; she forgot her job description. As Sarah noted, to pile onto these instances of political seppuku, former Vice President Mike Pence is sticking his neck out to defend the FBI after they ransacked Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

No, I’m not making calls that we attack Mike here. For the most part, Pence did well as Trump’s vice president—he offered the conservative Republican balance on the ticket. He shored up that flank on the party come Election Day. Pence is not the most exciting or charismatic politician, but he’s a rock-ribbed Republican. He was also a Tea Party supporter, a movement that previewed the incoming neo-populist wave that reached a fever pitch by 2016. And yet, the man can’t see the difference between defunding the FBI and defunding the police for all his anti-establishment credentials?




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