Townhall - Tipsheet - Matt Vespa
Liz Cheney's Take on General Milley...Is Laughably Predictable
Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 | Posted: Sep 29, 2021 6:00 PM
This is going to be a saga, isn’t it? It’s the ‘going down with the ship’ series starring Liz Cheney. Unlike the Titanic, this won’t be quick. This will be an epic poem that will take months to detail. It’s an ongoing tale as we speak. The Wyoming Republican seems confident she can survive despite everyone in the GOP base hating her guts. She’s underwater in her home state. The only question is whether her primary challengers avoid screwing things up. The more challengers in the mix, the greater the chance she survives so that’s another thing to keep in mind. Cheney thinks she can stop the Trump takeover of the GOP though she seems to totally miss the point that this has already happened.
That’s soft coup stuff. Milley went way outside the chain of command. Even The View’s Sunny Hostin, who is as anti-Trump as they come, agreed that Milley’s actions were very coup-ish. Alexander Vindman, the man at the center of the second impeachment effort against Trump, admitted that if true—Milley should resign. Katie wrote about Milley’s treasonous actions. She also touched on Nancy Pelosi trying to usurp the chain of command as well.
This is a bad guy. Liz Cheney thinks he’s an American hero. Please, Wyoming, fire Liz.