Holding Biden accountable for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal
The buck stops with the president
By Kay C. James - - Tuesday, September 28, 2021
America can never let happen again the grossly incompetent and politically driven decision-making that led to the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. The people who made or who advised those decisions—including the president of the United States—must be held fully accountable for the loss of lives, for abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, for the arming of the enemy with our military equipment, and for the fact that we are now less safe than we were 20 years ago when the war began.
That accountability starts with an independent investigative commission to examine how such an unmitigated disaster was allowed to happen. Such an investigation must be a truly bipartisan effort, where commissioners are willing to go wherever the facts lead them, regardless of who they implicate or embarrass. That means avoiding giving the president and his advisors cover and subordinating political party loyalty to the needs of the country. Accountability also means firing the top administration officials and military brass who went along with these fatal decisions.
Americans can debate whether there was good reason to leave Afghanistan after 20 years, but what can’t be debated are the disastrous consequences of President Joe Biden’s precipitous pullout. He let the entire nation of Afghanistan fall to a terrorist regime dedicated to bringing down the West, and in doing so, he has opened the door for a more dangerous future for America and our allies.
READ MORE: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/28/holding-biden-accountable-for-the-disastrous-afgha/