Tuesday, May 04, 2021

U.S._ Trump Blisters 'Big-Shot' Liz Cheney, 'Stone Cold Loser' Romney in Separate Statements


Trump Blisters 'Big-Shot' Liz Cheney, 'Stone Cold Loser' Romney in Separate Statements

By Mike Miller
| May 04, 2021 6:00 PM ET

AP Photo/John Raoux

Former President Donald Trump took aim at Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) on Monday, blasting “big-shot warmonger” Cheney and declaring her Wyoming political career over while slamming “RINO” Romney as a “stone cold [sic] loser.”

Good to see that Donald hasn’t lost his “flair” for the written word, huh?

Trump appeared to kick off the festivities on Monday with a one-sentence declaration:

“The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!“


READ MORE: https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2021/05/04/trump-blisters-big-shot-liz-cheney-stone-cold-loser-romney-in-separate-statements-n374203


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