Thursday, May 06, 2021

TIPSHEET_ Judicial Watch Sues for Documents About Child Abuse in Biden's Border Facilities


Townhall  -  Tipsheet  -  Katie Pavlich

Judicial Watch Sues for Documents About Child Abuse in Biden's Border Facilities

Katie Pavlich | @KatiePavlich
| Posted: May 06, 2021 1:10 PM

Source: United States Customs and Border Protection

Government watchdog Judicial Watch is suing the Biden administration after the Department of Health and Human Services stonewalled document requests related to child abuse in border facilities.

"We are concerned that the surge of migrants seeking to take advantage of the Biden's administration lax immigration policies has resulted in the foreseeable abuse of children, as overwhelmed federal authorities are ill-equipped to handle the huge number of children crossing the border. The unprecedented secrecy and censorship surrounding these sites compounds the problem and limits accountability," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said about the lawsuit. "Our lawsuit aims to expose the full truth about this particularly troubling consequence of the Biden administration's lawlessness on immigration."

After seeking documentation through a Freedom of Information Act request, which was rejected, Judicial Watch is suing for the following:




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