Monday, May 03, 2021

POLITICS_ Arizona Election Audit Pits McCain Widow vs. State GOP Head Kelli Ward


(AP) Cindy McCain has slammed the audit of some ballots from Arizona's 2020 vote, dubbing it a ludicrous review of an electio that's already over. That's earned her the ire of Dr. Kelli Ward, the chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, who tweeted: "She has NO IDEA what she's talking about. Anyone who would seek her out as credible on GOP issues is a #FakeNews hack." [Full Story]


Arizona Election Audit Pits McCain Widow vs. State GOP Head Kelli Ward

Photo: Cindy McCain (AP)

By Brian Trusdell | Monday, 03 May 2021 04:37 PM



Dr. Kelli Ward, the chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, immediately took to Twitter to excoriate McCain. “She has NO IDEA what she’s talking about,” wrote Ward, an osteopathic doctor. “Anyone who would seek her out as credible on GOP issues is a #FakeNews hack. I’ve been heavily involved with the GOP for over a decade & she’s never been anywhere near grassroots policy or politics. AND she campaigned & voted for Biden.”


The Arizona Secretary of State’s office said as of October 2020, the county consisted of about 35% registered Republicans and 31% registered Democrats, but certified results showed that Biden won 50.3% (1,040,774) to Trump’s 48.1% (995,665), a difference of about 45,000 votes in a state Biden claimed by 11,000.

It was one of several states where Trump claimed voter fraud cost him the election.



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