Tuesday, May 04, 2021

COLUMNISTS_ Why Did Biden Census Bureau Add 2.5 Million More Residents to Blue-State Population Count?


Townhall  -  Columnists  -  Stephen Moore


Why Did Biden Census Bureau Add 2.5 Million More Residents to Blue-State Population Count?

Stephen Moore
| Posted: May 04, 2021 12:01 AM

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Source: AP Photo/Michelle R. Smith

There is something very fishy about the new 2020 Census Bureau data determining which states picked up seats and which states lost seats.

Most all of the revisions to the original estimates have moved in one direction: Population gains were added to blue states, and population losses were subtracted from red states. The December revisions in population estimates under the Biden Census Bureau added some 2.5 million blue-state residents and subtracted more than 500,000 red-state residents. These population estimates determine how many electoral votes each state receives for presidential elections and the number of congressional seats in each state.

Is this a mere coincidence?

These population estimates determine how many electoral votes each state receives for presidential elections and the number of congressional seats in each state.


READ MORE: https://townhall.com/columnists/stephenmoore/2021/05/04/why-did-biden-census-bureau-add-25-million-more-residents-to-bluestate-population-count-n2588890


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