Thursday, May 06, 2021

Big Tech CENSORSHIP_ Americans Are Fighting an Information War They Need to Win


Americans Are Fighting an Information War They Need to Win

By Michael Dorstewitz
Wednesday, 05 May 2021 10:22 AM
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The federal government and Big Tech are using information as a weapon, in how they obtain it, what they do with it, and by withheld it from the general public.

Monitoring Target Groups:

The Biden administration is considering partnering with outside firms to monitor what they call "extremist" encrypted online chatter posted by suspected domestic terrorists, in an effort to head off events like the January 6 Capitol Hill riot.

"Domestic violent extremists are really adaptive and innovative," a DHS official told CNN. “We see them not only moving to encrypted platforms, but obviously couching their language so they don't trigger any kind of red flag on any platforms.”

So, who are these "domestic violent extremists" the Biden administration is so interested in?




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